Elemental Sisters Series

Heavenly Desire will be out of contract early 2019, but I'd planed to re-release it early 2020 then pandemic happened, but it's finally coming out! Mark your calendars, October 1, 2021.
Next in the Elemental Sisters Series is Jayla's story, book four. I wrote it years ago and began editing in the latter part of 2017 with plans to published by year's end. Life got in the way, though, so I hope to publish sometime in 2022.
Finishing off the series is the fifth, Jillian's story. I started writing it, but it's not complete.
Fated Immortals Series
The third book of this series is written, and I'll send it to my editor after the fourth installment of the Elemental Sisters Series is released. (Fated Immortals Series is a spin-off of my original series, Elemental Sisters, and although both series and books are standalones, there is an order to them.)
Hell Ryders Series
The fourth book is AVAILABLE NOW in print, digital and audio.
I'm book five is written, but I haven't sent it to my editor just yet. I'm waiting to get the Elemental Sisters Series out first.